Your new Web Library is here!

Mendeleye Web Library

When you log on to the Mendeley website this week, you will notice some changes to your online library. We’ve not only given it a fresh paint job, but brought some of the features you love from Mendeley Desktop into your Web Library.


A quick look at the new features (along with some kicky background music):

In case the video is not working (or you’re in lab and forgot your headphones), here is a run-down of the new features:
  • Your research any time, anywhere
    We want you to be able to take Mendeley and your research with you anywhere you may need it. Paired with our iOS and upcoming Android apps, the Web Library is one more tool in your research arsenal.
  • Improved look and experience
    Your new Web Library more closely resembles your Mendeley Desktop Library and our iOS and Android apps, making it easier to switch between devices.
  • Upload and read your PDFs online
    You no longer have to rely on Mendeley Desktop to add PDFs to your library. Web Library includes the ability to upload PDFs, with accurate metadata extraction. You can also read your PDFs in your web browser.
  • Subfolder support
    Not only is your existing subfolder structure preserved in your Web Library, you can also add new ones, to help keep you organized.
  • Better performance
    You may not see it at first glance, but we’ve significantly improved the performance of your library, especially for users with large libraries.
  • Optimised for tablets
    The web library works on most popular browsers and is responsive to your tablet screen size.
This is not the final iteration of the web library, we are working on some exciting features, which are coming soon. They include:
  • Support for tags
  • Notes and annotations
  • Full group support
  • Ability to drag and drop documents into folder
  • Retina support in the PDF viewer

We will publish a closer look at some of these new features, but if you have any questions or comments, check out our resource guides, ping us, or leave a comment below!

3 thoughts on “Your new Web Library is here!

  1. Mendeleyis the best reference manager of all of the choices available. I recommend Mendeley to everyone. Thanks for the improvements.
    Dr. Therese Mendez

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