Day 4: Binary Battle Contest App Entries

This is the fourth and final part announcing the top 40-ish Apps entered into the Mendeley-PLoS Binary Battle. To see the first batch of apps, check out Day One. And Day Two with the second batch is here. And Day Three is here.

As a reminder, the top 10 apps will be announced in two weeks and the overall winners will be announced November 30th

Now, in order of entry received date, the final batch of apps to benefit science:


TiNYARM (This is Not Yet Another Reference Manager) focuses on improving the awareness of the reading papers activity among peers. Concepts, like self-tracking and gamification, are applied to boost this activity. Currently the tool is in alpha stage, and future plans are to enhance the connection between reference managers, such as Mendeley. You can suggest papers to your friends and as an “extra bonus,” you can keep track of what you read, skimmed, planned to read, and got as suggestions.

Also, this wins at best/most-bizarre name in the Binary Battle.


ReaderMeter is a mashup visualizing author-level and article-level statistics based on the consumption of scientific content by a large population of users. ReaderMeter was officially launched at Science Online London 2010 and is currently available as a public alpha. It was the first application to build on the Mendeley API as part of a public Web service. Its contents are available both as HTML and in a machine-readable version as JSON and are released under a CC-BY-SA 3.0 license.


Open Review is an open source project aimed at providing post-publication peer-review. This means any feedback and additional material you can bring to scholarly articles once they are published. A wiki page is associated to a published article. Search for an article title from the main Open Review page. If a wiki page already exists, you may edit its content and provide your own feedback. The service is similar to PaperCritic, another Binary Battle entry, so it will be interesting to see how these two projects differentiate themselves over time.


The application has several goals…

    Conferences: keep a list of updated conferences

  • Looking for conferences with a related topic
  • Reminder dates about related topics (automatically update deadlines, by web crawling/parsing)
  • Looking for journals about related topics
    Social analyses:

  • Map people in Google Maps with an interest group
  • Map research groups in Google Maps (in theory to find collaborators)
  • Create a social graph of related people

It’s a good idea, but at the moment the application seems to be rather incomplete. It will be interesting to see how quickly the developer team can get it up to speed before the end of the Binary Battle.


This is a Web-based app designed for mainly mobile devices with cameras (best viewed on a mobile device as well). And as you might tell from the name, it uses QR codes to create a real-world link at poster sessions to the online world. When a user detects a conference poster that is interesting, they can scan the poster’s QR code to be redirected to the poster’s main page, and can use the “Import to Mendeley” button to add the poster details to their personal library in Mendeley. Pretty cool concept.

The development team has also created a few APIs for other developers to submit and retrieve poster information.

Homepage reSearcher

This app tries to solve the problem of learning about new research before it is officially published in a journal. Often, the original research is first published on the author’s homepage, hence the name. Homepage reSearcher is an application extending the functionality of Mendeley towards automatic monitoring of new publications and personalized search. It finds authors’ homepages, processes their content and suggests new publications based on user profiles.

The application was developed by Natural Language Processing Group, Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology.

And that’s it!

Phew! That’s it for the apps in this year’s Binary Battle and we’ll announce the Top 10 in two weeks. We had a few more entries as well, but they just were not ready for primetime yet, as the developers had quite a bit more work to do. Additionally, there are many more apps using both Mendeley APIs and PLoS APIs, but are not a part of this year’s Binary Battle. I’m sure we’ll be highlighting those in future posts.

Here’s the full list of Binary Battle entrants. Good luck everyone and thank you so much for building something to benefit science.

Day One

Mendeley Comparison Grid
Mendeley Drupal Connector

Day Two

Paper Link
PLoS Impact Explorer
Science Stack

Day Three

Digital Notes and Queries
Living Science
Mendeley’s Evolving Network of Expertise and Knowledge

Day Four

Homepage reSearcher

Jason Hoyt is Chief Scientist & VP of R&D at Mendeley. Follow him on twitter @jasonHoyt