Mendeley Desktop v0.9.2.1 released

On our way to improved stability this is an update which addresses several problems with the search/filter feature, crashes in the PDF viewer and missing menu items. Its older brother Mendeley Desktop v0.9.2 beta was available for a week but we decided to add one more fix and hold back this blog post. The auto-update is now set from v0.9.1 beta to v0.9.2.1 beta directly.

So which bugs did we address specifically:

  • Fix search index becoming out of date and not returning all relevant documents when using search/filter feature
  • Fix crash when selecting ‘Delete Documents’ in File menu with no documents selected
  • Fix ‘Remove From Collection’ and ‘Restore Documents’ actions missing from File menu
  • Fix ‘OR’ queries in search filter not working
  • Fix ‘Delete Document’ toolbar action appearing twice when right-clicking context menu in documents list
  • Fix non-latin characters in CSL (Citation Style Language) files not being rendered correctly
  • Fix sticky notes being listed in reverse order in right-hand panel in PDF viewer
  • Fix ‘in trash’/’not in trash’ status for documents not being synced correctly for documents in collections
  • Clarify licensing of the Word/ plugin code and update copyright text in Help -> About dialog, make licensing information easier to find on Mac
  • Add command-line option to ignore SSL errors
  • Fix auto-update download progress bar not being visible
  • Make auto-update download cancel-able
  • Fix a problem when migrating from 0.6.5 to 0.9.x if the user had created more shared groups than collections in My Library
  • Fix syncing error if a document’s title was set to a non-empty whitespace string in Mendeley Desktop
  • (Windows) Allow a custom storage location for Mendeley’s data to be specified in the registry
  • (Mac) Fix Find Next/Previous buttons being visible in PDF viewer when no search term had been entered
  • (Mac) Fix problems with settings migration from 0.6.5 to 0.9.x

As always, if you have suggestions for improvements please let us know by visiting our feedback forum. If you encounter any problems using Mendeley or have questions to ask please email

To see what has changed in previous updates of Mendeley visit our release notes page.

15 thoughts on “Mendeley Desktop v0.9.2.1 released

  1. guys new release is much more stable, tnx a lot.

    one feature request – “minimize to tray” would be really useful…when u write a paper you have so many documents open that locating mendeley among them is not an easy task…minimize to tray would help a lot!

    and one more thing – now when synchronising library, when it starts downloading/uploading references and documents it freezes at 8.8Mb downloaded…maybe its just me…maybe not but I had to deny all connections by mendeley in firewall because I could not get rid of this problem

  2. @Jack Thanks for the feedback and sorry to hear that you’re having difficulties. Please get in touch with as at; we’ll gladly look into them for you and hopefully find a solution.

  3. Will Mendeley notes feature be offering more «evoluate» options? It could be very useful to add highlithing and other format tools. Usually, I use a Google Docs document for every paper I read in Mendeley because it offers much tools. Having all in the same «place» and sychronized were much more great.

    Keep great work!


  4. Thank you for this wonderful research tool.

    I am using the new version atm but there is something weird about it: When I am using it offline (no connection to the internet and no user data entered in Mendeley), Mendeley Desktop always takes a long time to start (about 5 to 10 minutes). There is the status message “loading 13005 documents for syncing” on the Mendeley Desktop splash (starting) screen. I have about 300 documents in my database.

    I updated from a previous version (0.6.4).

    After the very long starting process working with Mendeley is working normally. But each time I restart it, it takes 5 to 10 min.

    Do you have any suggestions?

    • Hi Thomas, thanks for reporting this. I’ll forward it to our support team ( who will get back to you!

  5. The reader would greatly benefit from “go to” page navigation (including first/last page buttons/shortcuts) and speed of rendering improvements. (I’m using Mendeley on Ubuntu Jaunty.) Otherwise this is by far the best version of Mendeley I’ve used.

    Metadata extraction is still very buggy (crashes a lot), inaccurate and slow.

    • Hi Michael – thanks, I’ll add your suggestions to our feedback pages. The next release should improve the rendering speed as the PDF viewer will pre-cache 2 pages; the stability should also improve again as we’re nearing a stable 1.0 release and leave “beta” status. If you have any crash reports, it would be great if you could send them to!

  6. Thanks Victor. After using Mendeley over the last few days I have the following suggestions for the PDF viewer.

    1. PDF notes when collapsed and expanded should be movable.
    2. Fullscreen should open the document at the page it is currently being viewed (in non-fullscreen). It would also be nice if it one had access to the same page controls as those present at non-fullscreen mode.
    3. Can we get better page viewing options (e.g. two pages, fit-to-width, etc.)?
    4. When highlighting to the bottom of the page, the page should scroll down and continue highlighting.

    For the main Mendeley (My Library) window, it would be nice if there were a button/shortcut to open up the right-side panel (Tags & Notes, etc.) If it is closed there is no way to open it if all documents have attached to them a pdf file! It would also be nice if one could simply drag and drop library items into the References section of the right-side panel, or have some other convenient way of adding library items as references to other library items.

    (As for crashing errors I was receiving a “segmentation fault” one that was solved by starting Mendeley using the –reset option. Mendeley support helped me with this.)

    Mendeley is evolving into an excellent pdf management tool, *especially* for linux users. Thanks!

  7. just wondering when the mac toolbar will be ready. i am using mendeley across my research team and am looking forward to using the bibliographic aspects in my academic writing.
    jan johnston

  8. Hello Janice, the Mac Word plugin is currently under development and we hope we can release it fairly soon. It’s really hard to give an estimate for this, I’m sorry.

  9. 1. If mendeley desktop could also combine a link to ISI web of science
    2. Including shortcuts for some functions(like in the pdf reading mode, make notes, selections..)
    3. For the collection section ( putting similar reference together), is it possible to develop sub collection under a main collection, Like a big research field is a big collection, and sub research labs could be sub collection…. Also, if more collections were made it takes a lot space
    4.also if you could increase the way to put a reference into another collection (such as right click the mouse, will have a navigation menu to the collections)
    5. The watch folder function is not working so well. Everytime it will require the folder again, and doing a complete search again, it takes time.

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