Mendeley unpacked

IMG_0446Last Friday we finally moved to our new office, just a few blocks down the road. That’s 4,905 sq.ft. of pure leg freedom (or 455m² to you metric people out there). Turned out the hardest part of the relocation was disentangling the team members, who have been piling up over the last few months, as Mendeley grows and grows.

Fitting all these people in our old 1,090 sq.ft. office had become quite difficult: Alright, place the new designer over here, seat the new data mining experts over there, cram in a bunch of developers in that corner and don’t forget to fill up any remaining space with interns.


Single-handedly, our very own Captain Cindy managed the whole relocation process within a mere matter of hours. Lured by corporate pizza, the whole Mendeley team pitched in highly motivated. Some ha-ha-funny guys even volunteered to carry the wireless network cables!

OuIMG_0445r new neighbours kindly hosted a nice house warming party last Thursday. A big “Thank you” to the friendly people at IDEO and we happily accept your table soccer challenge.

Let’s hope that this time we can stay a little longer than just one and a half years.

You’re welcome to have a look:

4 thoughts on “Mendeley unpacked

  1. Congrats on your new office. And THANK YOU for Mendeley! I have started up my new year and decade by getting my research papers organized with your help. I hope you all have as good a new year as I am going to have thanks to Mendeley.

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