Mendeley Desktop v1.8 Released!

Here at Mendeley we’ve been hard at work trying to improve the product for our community, which now has well over 2 million researchers around the world. This includes a better onboarding wizard that takes new users through the tools available on the platform. The wizard also includes an expanded ‘Claim your Publications’ feature that enables Mendeley to link user profile pages to the wider catalog when they access Mendeley for the first time.

Some might say that this is one of our finest-looking desktops yet, but we’ll leave that judgment to you. As usual, we’ve focused a lot of attention in making the user experience as smooth as it can possibly be, improving looks and flow under windows 8 and fixing a few bugs, including:

  • Added options for obtaining help or checking for updates
  • More effective display of non-English text in the documents list
  • Fixed problem with crashing plugin in Word 2003 and OS X 10.5
  • Accurate progress indicator when importing large RIS, BibTeX and EndNote XML files

You can download the new v1.8 Mendeley Desktop here. This version supports Mac OSX 10.5 and above, Linux Ubuntu 10.04, Debian Squeeze or equivalent, and Windows XP SP2 or later. We hope you like the changes, but as always we really value your opinion, so don’t be shy… Let us know what you think in the UserVoice forum, and if you have any problems just contact our support team.


2 thoughts on “Mendeley Desktop v1.8 Released!

  1. Dear Mendeley-Team: How can get back the “Filter by my tags” view on the right side? Or anything display summary of my tags?
    Sorry if I am stupid but I can’t find anything on tags in the new version!

    Thanks for this great product anyway,

  2. @Jan: In the bottom left of the screen, there’s a little person icon, and an icon that looks like a funnel. Click the funnel icon.

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